Tag: Store
Doctor Who Invades Little Big Planet 3!
The Doctor is about to travel to the one planet he’s never gone before. In fact, it’s a Little Big Planet! That’s right! Characters and creatures from BBC’s top telly sci-fi show Doctor Who have crossed over into the popular puzzle platform game for PS3 and PS4 and they’ve been regenerated to look just like…
Windows 10 Apps Can Now Be Created Without Coding
Coding is somewhat of a nightmare for the uninitiated – lines of bizarre, strangely formatted text can appear as much of a mystery as ancient Hieroglyphics to a complete novice. Microsoft appears to know this, and, for their next project for the ultra accessible Windows 10, they have implemented a scheme that lets users build…
Apple Watch Will Be Sold In Only 6 Stores Tomorrow (But Not Apple Stores)
With the Apple Watch finally released this Friday 24th of April and with demand through the roof many will be looking to chance their luck tomorrow morning by queuing outside their local Apple store in hope of getting their mitts on the must-own debut wearable from the makers of the iPhone. But reports suggest that…