Bitstrips, the latest Facebook frustration and how to block it

We are sure you have all seen some “comical” cartoon strips appearing on your Facebook feeds over the past few weeks with friends, family and others on your Facebook list uploading images of poorly put together comic strips centering around themselves and their lives.. (yes we sound bitter!)

Well, the comics themselves come from a Bitstrips app which is available on iOS and Android devices and allows users to make “Instant comics starring YOU and your friends!” The reason it is suddenly so popular is that earlier in October, Bitstrips released its Android app along with an update offering more than 1000 different comic templates to choose from. The app gained instant popularity with 11 million downloads and thus entered millions more Facebook feeds.

For those of us who like the people they have on Facebook but don’t necessarily want to see their imagined life and in-jokes between friends played out in a feed-consuming comic strip, there is a way out. As with all things Facebook, you can block Bitstrips!

To do this, firstly login to Facebook, then follow these steps.

  • Click on the settings icon in the top right hand corner
  • Click Account Settings
  • Click on Blocking
  • At the bottom of the page, type in “BitStrips” in the Block Apps in the search bar
  • Click on Bitstrips once it appears as a search result
  • The app will now be added to the list of blocked apps and thus won’t appear in your feed.

And that’s it folks, Bitstrips is banished – No more comics bloating out your Facebook feed. You can use this method for any annoying apps that you no longer want to see in your feed. We’re sure there are some of you out there who feel the same way about constantly receiving Farmville and Candy Crush Saga invites.
