HTC M9 Smartphone To Be Revealed at MWC

Move over M8. HTC is expected to launch its next flagship smartphone – the M9 – on March the 1st after they tweeted a cryptic picture message referring to the upcoming Mobile World Congress.

Last season’s HTC One (M8) was released March 25th 2014.

The galactically themed graphic features the slogan ‘Utopia in Progress’ and includes ‘MWC | Barcelona’ was at the bottom. HTC invites us to ‘Join us to see what’s next’ and most news sources, including the respected Bloomberg, are placing the M9 as the star of the show. An appearance by this year’s premium HTC smartphone falls into line historically with the Taiwanese tech company’s previous product debuts including the HTC One and HTC One (M8) which have also had their first showing in the month of March.

The sequentially titled HTC M9 is said to follow the M8 in not only name but also in style with sleek shape and metallic finishes in silver, gold and gray available. The focal areas of this year’s edition will be the improvements to audio which will be boosted with Dolby 5.1 audio technology and the camera which will forsake HTC’s Ultrapixel technology in order to provide a heavyweight 20-megapixel rear shooter. The HTC M9 is also believed to be powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and will run with the latest Android 5.0 Lollipop with HTC Sense 7 customising the user experience.

As well as the HTC M9, we should also perhaps look out for the company’s first foray into wearables as the company insider who revealed the information to Bloomberg states that a smartwatch will also be part of HTC’s product announcement when they, and the other market leaders including Samsung and Sony, take to the Mobile World Congress stage on March 1st.

Source: Bloomberg