HTC One (M8)’s Duo Camera feature explained in leaked advert

We’ve been teased with pictures and videos of the new HTC One (M8) for months now, but we’re still none the wiser as to why there are two cameras on the back.

Various sources have suggested that the dual cameras will work together to form a higher resolution, sharper final image which consists of two separate images overlaid. Well we need wonder no more as Australian mobile network Telstra has leaked an official advert early, explaining exactly what the two sensors are all about.

GSMArena caught hold of a picture taken of Telstra’s new brochure which includes HTC’s upcoming phone. Telstra lists it as ‘The All New HTC One (M8)’, which is an odd amalgamation of two names the phone has gone by. The inclusion of (M8) suggests that the advert is not final, as this is the phone’s internal codename at HTC and isn’t public information.

What we’re really interested in, however, is the blurb about the ‘Duo Camera’. This explains that the two camera sensors provide better image quality in low light conditions and the ability to “professionally edit memories after you’ve taken the shot”. Apparently users will be able to choose where the focus point lies and soften backgrounds after the shot has been taken, which is a feature we saw introduced with the ultra-cool Lytro camera.

Other details reveal the inclusion of dual BoomSound speakers either side of the screen, which was pretty much a given, and a 5-inch Full HD and scratch-resistant screen. This confirms a slight increase in screen size which looked to be the case in a recent YouTube video review which was subsequently taken down. Finally, a short section on the new Sense 6.0 software reveals the ability to double tap the screen to wake it, which is something we’ve seen LG use often with its own Android handsets.

Finally, the ad suggests the new HTC One will cost $840AUS off-contract, which equates to £456 in the UK, which we suspect will be a little less than the final official price. Check the advert below.