One of our very own gadgeteers has managed to port the as yet unreleased HTC Sense 3.0 software onto his HTC Desire HD, and boy does it look good.
The port was made by installing Sense 3.0 from the HTC EVO 3D, plus a little bit of image size tweaking to ensure it fits on the screen. It’s not perfect yet, for instance the bottom of the Music app is cut off due to the size of the file being too big for the Desire HD’s screen.

Everything else seems to work great though; we’ve got the custom Weather lockscreen working as you can see above. The lockscreen can also display a live feed from Facebook, Stocks and more. The apploader lockscreen is also shown above. You can choose 4 of your most used apps to appear on your lockscreen. Simply tap and drag an icon into the unlock circle and your handset unlocks, immediately opening into your chosen app. It works really smoothly and as yet we haven’t noticed any problems with it.

Along with the new lockscreen features, the new 360 “carousel” style homescreen is working. You can spin through your various homescreen pages in a 360 style motion which again is really smooth and fast.
We can’t wait to get our hands on the HTC Sensation with Sense 3.0 now; it seems HTC have done a great job with their latest instalment of Sense.
What do you think of Sense 3.0? We’re huge fans of the weather lockscreen which autoupdates even when locked, which is your favourite feature? Let us know by leaving a comment or drop us a message on Twitter.