Instagram blocks photo posting on Twitter as Facebook ownership fallout continues

The argument between Twitter and Instagram has been taken up a level today as Instagram has removed all support for Twitter from its photo sharing social network which has gone through changes to removing millions of Instagram images from Twitter.

Users of Instagram will no longer be able to easily share images from the site with their Twitter accounts after yesterday (Sunday 9th Dec) evening as Instagram turned off the functionality, meaning that Instagram images will no longer appear in tweets or in user’s galleries.

The move comes after a spat erupted between the two social networks (which benefit each other more than they would both admit!) when Instagram was purchased by Facebook earlier in the year which has since soured Instagram and Twitter’s previously great relationship.

From now onwards Twitter users will still be able to post links on Twitter to their Instagram images, but no previews of the images uploaded will be available to view directly within their Twitter stream. Users will now have to click said ling to visit Instagram’s site directly… which more than anything will increase hits away from Twitter!

Tech website AllThingsD spoke to Facebook over the weekend and they confirmed:

“Instagram has disabled photo integration with Twitter. As a result, photos are no longer appearing in Tweets or user photo galleries. While tweeting links to Instagram photos is still possible, you can no longer view the photos on Twitter, as was previously the case”

Since the fallout of the two companies Twitter has announced plans to have a Instagram-esque filter system for its customers, so this argument is looking set to escalate further in the coming months as once again Facebook and Twitter go to war.

In the interest of equality you can check us out on our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page, our official Facebook page and now our Phototastic Instagram page.

 Via: AllthingsD