iPhone 4S to be Unveiled at Developers Conference June 6?

The rumour mill has gone into overdrive tonight as selected journalists were contacted by Apple’s iPhone PR team to try persuade them to attend their developers conference for a big reveal.

Now the current thinking is that they are indeed ready to show off the new iPhone 4S, and rather it being completely new design it’s going to be the much muted 4S, which will be a stop-gap until we see the true next-gen iPhone 5.

We still think the iPhone 5 will come with an all-aluminium back and ultra-thin curved profile, whereas the iPhone 4S is expected to be rocking minor changes such as better cameras, an iPad 2-style A5 dual-core processor and HSPA+ support – for super snappy mobile browsing.

There are a few rumours that point to this as it was thought that Apple is said to have put the brakes on the volume of iPhone 4 units being produced in preparation for a new model – which seems to now confirm suspicions of a June unveil by the Cupertino company.

The developers conference looks like being the most exciting yet, with Steve Jobs being tipped to deliver the keynote on June 7th – and will almost certainly show off Apple’s new Mac OS Lion operating system. But will he also have a new iPhone in his pocket too – we’ll know more soon.

Whether this new 4S is the same phone that France Telecom’s CEO Stephane Richard reckons will use a smaller SIM card, thus making the next iPhone much smaller and thinner, is unclear at the moment. But it won’t be long before we have some more answers.

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