iPhone 5 to be launched at Apple campus on October 4th?

So, we’re all pretty sure that Apple will finally unveil the iPhone 5 on October 4th. What was unsure was where the launch would be hosted after the familiar launch site in San Francisco was reported to be already booked for the big day. Not even Apple have the stroke to change the venue’s mind it seems and the not-so-mysterious product launch next month will be relocated to Apple’s HQ campus in Cupertino, California.

SF has been the traditional site of choice for many of Apple’s previous big product launches and rumours today suggest the iPhone 5 will have a public homecoming, after doing a little tour of a neighbourhood when an early model was left in a bar by a light-fingered engineering employee. Sadly no one offered to sell it to us, as they did one blog site when the previous model also went walkabout!

The new venue for the first address by new CEO Tim Cook and his first product launch is said to be the ‘Town Hall’ auditorium on the Apple’s campus, but this is purely rumour at this point. We hope to hear more from Apple over the next few weeks about the highly-anticipated launch of the next-gen iOS smartphone.  

This might also be the last time the Cupertino site is used for a major product launch before it’s tranformed into a giant ‘space station’ as artists impression’s recently revealed the new plans for Apple’s HQ!

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