iPhone 5 goes missing after a night on the town!

It would appear that the iPhone 5 has done a runner! Just a week after the departure of Steve Jobs as Apple CEO, new boss Tim Cook is involved in a “baptism of fire” – as a prototype handset of the California co.’s much anticipated mobile handset has reportedly been lost in a San Francisco bar..

Tech site CNET reports that a stumbling staffer for Apple’s engineering team left the infant iPhone 5 in bar Cava 22, which was later called repeatedly by a man desperately trying to retrieve his lost iPhone. Any eagle-eyed Apple aficionado could, of course, identify a ‘run-of-the-mill’ iPhone 4 from a brand new prototype and presumably grabbed the gadget and scarpered with a very lucrative bounty in hand.

It’s red alert time over at Apple HQ now, which is desperately attempting to locate the lost handset with police involvement raiding a Bernal Heights, San Fran home from where the iPhone’s signal had recently been tracked from. The law, however, found no missing Apple mobile and the hunt continues..

This missing in action iPhone situation throws back to Apple’s last try, when the previous model also went on a bar crawl – later to be snapped up by another technology blog site, which got itself into some seriously hot water with the fruity California co.

Note to Apple: We don’t have it. So don’t come knocking!

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Source: CNet