iPhone 5 Battery Surfaces, Only Marginally Bigger Than That of iPhone 4S

Pictures of a battery claimed to be that of the next-generation iPhone have surfaced online, adding to the growing list of parts that have leaked over the past month or two.

While it looks neither exciting nor much different from the battery in the current iPhone 4S, it does tell us quite a bit about the power behind the iPhone 5 and what it could be capable of. The images depict a longer battery cell, which matches up with the rumours of a longer and thinner phone with a 4-inch display.

The battery’s capacity is 1,440 mAh, which is only marginally bigger than the iPhone 4S (1,430 mAh) and the iPhone 4 (1,420mAh). Voltage has also been upped ever-so-slightly to 3.8v, as has the watts-per-hour rating to 5.45 wHr. This is somewhat puzzling, as it’s almost guaranteed that Apple will increase the screen size and add in 4G LTE connectivity. Both large screens and 4G are notorious for demolishing battery life, with the latter usually a feature that requires a much bigger battery – we’d expect a battery of 1,600 mAh at least.

Apple is usually very good at managing to retain a decent battery life despite new features and improved specifications, so it could well have found a way to keep the battery life good without the need for a giant battery cell. On the other hand, Apple could sell a non-4G phone with a smaller battery in countries that don’t support 4G, and the 4G models separately with a bigger battery.

On the other hand, there’s a chance that this is a part that Apple has used in testing but has since scrapped before final manufacturing starts. The label shows the battery was made in June 2012, which is right on time with the news that Apple had started manufacturing its sixth generation iPhone.

The iPhone 5 is expected to be announced on September 12th, and launched on September 21st, according to several sources.

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Via: 9to5mac