iPhone 5 release scheduled for August?

Some more rumours have come our way regarding the much discussed release date for the iPhone 5, with a new job advert reportedly suggesting the new handset could be with us as early as August.

The latest we heard about a release date was September – but a listing for new sales staff suggests that it could be as early as mid-August.

The listing was picked up by Pocket-gamer and says that Apple are looking for new staff for a new campaign between August to October – could this be in preparation for the new iPhone 5 ?

Applicants would be expected to complete four days worth of training in London – which could be some face-time (excuse the pun) with the new handset ready for an August release date.

The listing is from well-known recruitment agency Reed and is targeting workers to look after iPhone concession in larger department stores across the country.

This would throw a spanner in the works for when Apple might show the phone off – as it was expected to be shown off at the annual iPod keynote – but an August release date would require a new date for keynote to show the handset off.

According to the latest rumours, Apple will only make minor alterations in the next refresh of its iPhone handset. It’s thought the new iPhone 5 will include the new A5 processor and according to the new reports not a lot else. Leaving the unique selling point for the handset being the new iOS 5 operating system.

To us August sounds a little too early, we’d take this rumour with a healthy pinch of salt, but it could be that Apple plan to give their new staff plenty of time to get used to must-have blower. We’ll know more soon.