Despite earlier excitement from a number of online “inside” sources there will be no iTunes movie service from Apple – for the time being.

Whispers have been heard since 2009 regarding “iTunes Replay” – an additional service on the popular Apple media store, which would allow film fans to stream movies and TV shows without the need to download memory hungry files (also helping promote some legitimacy for shared video online) – This as well as syncing between Apple Mac-to-gadget, and the ability to re-view purchases made were all part of the iTunes Replay proposition. Exciting times and ahead of the iCloud “floating” media service which would later come in 2011.

Last week it was revealed by a rumour website that Apple was “on the edge” of finally revealing the iTunes Replay project having prepared to launch software updates for Apple TV and iOS, but this speculation has now been crushed by a number of “film industry sources” that Apple have not even signed the paperwork with four of its desired top movie studios. The plan is to bring these top names together, as with music labels on iCloud, to provide a deep library of movies and TV.

Previous rumours suggested that Apple had its difficulties talking telly company HBO into a deal. HBO currently hold licenses for streaming 20th Century Fox, Universal and Warner Bros movies after DVDs are released. Despite the hold-up it’s said that Disney, Paramount and Sony Pictures are up for iTunes Replay – whenever it launches.

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