Special screenings of the new Iron Man 3 movie are being planned in Japan which will enhance the experience beyond sight and sound – with ‘odour enhanced’ performances being shown (and smelt) at a cinema in Nagoya!
The Hollywood Reporter reports (as it does) that the specially equipped state-of-the-art 4DK cinema will be showing the newest Marvel movie and latest in the popular Iron Man franchise in ‘smell-o-vision’ – or at least a modern age version of the somewhat silly fad from the 1960s.

Viewers of Iron Man 3 are said to be in for a ‘fourth dimension’ cinema experience and this will include moving seats, ‘physical’ effects such as wind and the aroma of action, with fire from the film’s countless explosions and possibly an enchanting waft of Pepper Potts’ perfume.
We’d much prefer this over the smell from inside of Tony Stark’s well-worn armoured suit and we have to admit 4DK cinema is an interesting concept and one that its initial implementer, the Kronoa World cinema chain is keen to back. They’ll not only be hosting the aromatic Iron Man 3 from April 26th (at 1,300 Yen more than a standard 3D ticket) but also plan another 12 movie releases throughout the year in the stinky new format!