Joustin’ Beaver vs Justin Bieber – App Game Makers Counter-Sue Singer in Infringement Case

Justin Bieber has been counter-sued after trying to legally prevent distribution of an iPhone app game which infringes on his likeness. The game titled “Joustin’ Beaver” features a furry look-a-like of the singer, who is named JB, and who swims down-stream slaying intrusive “Phot-hogs” and signing “Otter-graphs” for adoring fans. But those behind the game will not go out without a fight.

RC3, the creators of the Joustin’ Beaver app, claims The Bieb’s legal team advised them that “the app utilizes our Client’s name and likeness and portrays a beaver character based on our Client as part of the app’s game play” and that they have “no right to utilize our client’s name, image, likeness, life story or identity in or in connection with the app.”

The creators strike back stating that the game is a merely a parody, therefore Bieber’s believers have no right to suggest it breaches any copyright and there is no legal grip on the spoof and RC3 supports itself by saying “Nowhere in the game is Justin Bieber’s name, photo, image or life story mentioned.”

The apps maker also have spoken of their reverse case telling CNN that “based on the demands of Justin Bieber‘s attorneys, we felt that preemptive and defensive measures were necessary. We feel confident in our argument based on our First Amendment rights.” – Bold words for a humble app maker going up against the billion dollar Bieber marketing machine.

All in the day in the life of a famous rodent – and the beaver looks to face some tough challenges too!

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