If you’re a regular commuter to London you might already know that EE doesn’t have the best performance with regards to 3G data connections as you head into the capital. Now a study by Global Wireless Solutions, a network testing company, has released a study into the wireless signal quality for commuters as they travel into London, ranking EE as one of the poorest networks to get onto 3G with for citygoers.

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But let’s not just focus on EE just yet – 3G quality on the way into the city has always been notoriously poor, especially for train commuters.According to the study, 30.3% of all attempts to connect to the internet failed, as well as one phone call out of every seven (14%).

Testers also reported that one in four, or 23.2%, of data packets sent via 3G and 37.2% of data packets sent via 4G missed their intended target completely, failing to arrive at their target destinations on users phones. These figures are for the four major network operators in the UK across the board.

Out of the big four network operators, EE did not fare very well with regards to 3G – the company managed to clock in a poor reliability score in the study – 69.8% reliability for commuters. However, on the flip side, the reliability score for EE’s 4G clocked in at the highest at 74.1%.

The tube network in London is due for a serious revamp with flashy new trains (pictured above) but is the networking situation also going to be looked into?

Three (the network) failed to impress with their 4G, with a reliability score of just 34.5%. Out of the major networks, Three, O2, Vodafone and EE, it was Vodafone who came out on top for 3G coverage, with the veteran network managing to stay on top for the more widespread albeit older technology.

But the big question around these connection problems is just why is it happening? After all, the study showed that 4G ranged from 34.5% to 74.1% reliability as the top figure. No matter what network you use around London, it seems that you can’t nail down constant reliability.

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The causes may vary. First, the assumption that the networks are slow due to high traffic is probably the most popular supposed cause. Also, another factor to consider that causes patchy coverage is the age of the wireless technology – the antennae that transmit signals via the network. Many of these antennae have been adapted for use with 3G, as they existed back when the 2G signal format was new.

Whatever the cause, the Government here in the UK is backing 4G signals, in response to predictions that wireless data demand will rise by 80 times in 2030.

Source: The Independant 

Via: TechAdvisor