The Nokia Lumia brand has been the flagship for Windows Phone for a good while now, but since Microsoft has taken control of Nokia’s phone side of their business, things are soon to change with regards to what branding appears on devices and in advertising.

Bye Bye, Windows Phone branding.

Apparently, all ‘Nokia’ branding will disappear from the next generation of Lumia Windows Phones, according to Microsoft in a secret document leaked to the internet, specifically the guys over at Geek On Gadgets.

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Microsoft’s total blackout of the name Nokia is common knowledge following their absorption of Nokia’s devices and services division and incorporating it into Microsoft Mobile over six months ago. Employees across the board were made redundant, with Microsoft also appointing a new CEO, Satya Nadella.

According to the document, Microsoft’s plans state that “As part of our phased transition, we will drop the manufacturer name [Nokia] from product references during the Holiday campaign”.

Say goodbye to that Nokia branding too.

But that’s not all, apparently the Windows Phone brand is also set to be redacted, with Microsoft instead focusing on making branding a single, to the point logo for the unified Windows experience across the upcoming unified mobile and desktop OS we’ve been hearing about.

It’s already started apparently, with adverts for Lumia 930 doing away with the aforementioned branding, as well as the advert for digital assistant Cortana. Promotional videos for the Lumia 530, Lumia 730, and the Lumia 830 also saw the removal of the branding.

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Even the web isn’t safe from the branding removal, with Nokia pages now redirecting to counterparts under Windows domain names and branding.

It’s expected that further down the line devices will bear only the Lumia and Windows branding, both in advertisements and promotional material, as well as engraved on devices and on operating systems.

Source: Geek On Gadgets 

Via: Pocket Lint