Master Chief Collection Won’t Come to PC

It’s another case of disappointment for Halo fans wanting to play the well loved series on the PC – the upcoming Master Chief Collection, an anthology of the first four Halo games, plus exclusive additional content, won’t be coming to the PC any time soon.

The manager of 343 industries, who are in charge of Halo development following their split from original developer Bungie, has confirmed that sadly the collection won’t be coming to the PC.

“We are focused all on [Xbox One],” said Bonnie Ross, in a recent interview with IGN which outlined the company’s dedication to the Xbox One platform with regards to Halo.

“It is Master Chief’s story, and it is Master Chief’s story on [Xbox One]. So at this time, we have no plans or nothing to announce for PC.”

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Ross’s comments of course didn’t rule out some kind of further release of classic Halo titles for the PC, which may surface sometime down the line as previous releases, such as Halo 2 for Windows Vista, sometimes have done.

Clearly Master Chief does not support keyboard and mouse input. Bad Chief. Very bad.

Support for PC versions of the original two halo titles has been diminishing of late, as the closure of Gamespy completely removed official multiplayer services for Halo: Combat Evolved OC, a Gearbox port of the original title which fans have remained loyal to since the title’s original migration to PC in 2003, after the title’s massive success on the original Xbox.

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Multiplayer for the original Xbox ended in 2010, effectively cutting off fans of Halo 2 from Xbox Live. Halo 2’s multiplayer for PC also abruptly ended quite recently, last year in 2013. Halo 2 anniversary for the Xbox One, which comes as part of the Master Chief Collection will restore multiplayer for a remastered version of the the second Halo title, but of course that’s little help to PC fans.

With the PC market opening up to the mainstream, developers have been catching on of late, with Ubisoft and Konami recently announcing their new titles would be making it to computers. Perhaps 343 will take note of this, and maybe will bring Halo to the PC in future. For now though, the Master Chief Collection will remain an Xbox One exclusive on the date of its November 11th release.

Via: Gamespot

Source: IGN