Microsoft Announces Latest Edition in the Halo Series – Halo 5: Guardians

Microsoft and the developers 343 Industries have announced the launch of the next Halo game in the series – Halo5: Guardians. It will be made for on Xbox One, and is said to hit the shelves in Autumn of 2015, along with the Stephen Spielberg produced Halo TV Series.

The announcement said very little about the game or TV show in detail, but did mention that the game will run at 60 frames per second and that the upcoming Halo TV series would “compliment” the game; which would explain why they are being released in close conjunction. 343 also said that this is going to be the biggest project in the series to date.

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343 Industries also heavily hinted that the Halo 5 journey is due to begin in 2014 when they said “journey definitely begins in 2014 with a giant leap, rather than a small step”. No doubt Microsoft’s E3 2014 conference in June will reveal more information and go into more detail on this mysterious statement.

Halo 5: Guardians has been described by 343’s general manager, Bonnie Ross, as “a massive and exciting project” that “takes full advantage of the Xbox One’s hardware and ecosystem to create worlds and experiences worthy of next-gen.”

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In a blog, Bonnie Ross spoke about Master Chief’s next expedition, stating “Halo 5: Guardians is a bigger effort than Halo 4. That applies to the content and scope of the game, as well as the technology in what’s now a brand new and more powerful engine. Certainly there are some core elements carried over from prior games, but we’ve invested a huge effort in retooling our tech to take full advantage of the Xbox One’s hardware and ecosystem to create worlds and experiences worthy of next-gen.”

So now you’ll have a year to anticipate the excitement ahead as the Halo 5 journey awaits!