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Microsoft secures domain – Next Xbox to be called ‘Xbox Fusion’?

Microsoft’s next Xbox home console could well be known as the Xbox Fusion, if the company’s recent web domain spending spree is anything to go by.

The Redmond company has recently acquired the rights to several web domains related to the Xbox Fusion name, including and, amongst numerous others for regions around the world.

None of these websites are currently live and all redirect you to the current Xbox website, but bring about plenty of speculation. What on earth is Xbox Fusion? Of course, the name of the new console due to be unveiled on May 21st is what we’re hoping for, but it could be anything. ‘Fusion’ rouses thoughts of two things together – perhaps this refers to the fusion between the console and Kinect, which we’ve heard will be built-in to the main unit.

Xbox Fusion joins the list of potential names for Microsoft’s new games box, which includes ‘Durango’, ‘Xbox 720’, ‘Xbox Infinity’, and finally – our favourite – just ‘Xbox’.

Of course, until May 21st we’re unlikely to know for sure just what Xbox Fusion is, but it certainly adds to the hype surrounding a new console. It could simply be a ploy to build excitement ahead of May 21st, so let’s not get too carried away for now!