Microsoft makes a statement regarding Porn coming to Xbox 360 with Internet Explorer


Back at this year’s E3 gaming expo Microsoft triumphantly announced that its future Xbox 360 gaming consoles will be getting access to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer web browser, but before the update has even been implemented Microsoft have been alerted to some concerning issues.

The big M has been forced to confirm that when Internet Explorer does land on future Xbox 360 consoles, users will be able to access adult and graphic material, just as they would on a PC or laptop.

Unfortunately this issue was picked up by adult video website YouPorn, who using their blog (no we are not linking to it kids!), spoke of how their website will be able to be accessed through the future Internet Explorer console browser.

Microsoft has been on a bit of a PR bend to quickly distance themselves from the “adult content” issue by stating: “To be clear, we are adding Internet Explorer to Xbox Live, not specific adult content providers like YouPorn or any other specific website content.”

“Additionally, we give members and parents the option to turn this feature on or off for their accounts. Access to Internet Explorer for all child accounts is blocked by default.”

Now when the actual update lands is still a mystery and with this new information coming up we are sure that Microsoft will do the best they can to set up parental controls on the new service, but as any parent of children with decent tech skills will know, with access to a browser it’s very hard to restrict the content shown.

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