Internet video chat through Skype software is coming to the Windows Phone 7.5 update aka ‘Mango’. This was officially confirmed by Microsoft, but no word as of yet whether the VoIP service will be part of the social integration which comes presented in that fancy all-in-one social hub we’ve seen on Mango before.

The arrival of Skype to Windows Phone comes as no surprise, especially since Microsoft actually liked the software so much they bought the company back in June after being approved by the FTC. Its initial omission from the promotional push for the all-important social features was simply down to the fact that the purchase was awaiting the nod to touch down on mobile hosts such as the upcoming wave of Nokia, Samsung and HTC handsets.

Microsoft has made amends now and Skype and the fruity WP7.5 software update will be launching publically from today, but we have to wonder if it’ll be bonded to the operating software itself along with social pals Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare – or if this late in the game Skype will come in the form of an independent app.

Supporting the growth of Skype, Microsoft are also keen to see their 8-billion dollar baby reach outside of their own platforms and will continue to invest in its development on non-Microsoft platforms on smartphone and desktop.

The Windows Phone online store has been updated to herald the arrival of the new platform. Read more in the Gadget Helpline’s article – Here.

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