Minecraft Builds New Appeal with Xbox Live Arcade Launch

The über-popular and addictive Minecraft has been launched on the Xbox Live Arcade today and allows console owners to join in the creative fun which PC owners have been enjoying since May 2009 as a Beta version and went mobile on Android devices late last year.

Minecraft is a game limited only by the imagination, and works like a bottomless box of Lego in a very basic three-dimensional reality. Doesn’t sound too exciting to some perhaps – but this thing takes over lives!  Allowing you to construct and build your own world from only the base materials, the game has become an addiction to a lot of people. And the appeal of Minecraft is taking on another new platform right now!

Ratings for Minecraft through the Xbox LIVE gaming community hit the 100,000 within hours of the games availability and this version of the sandbox building game is already being heralded as the definitive edition with one writer for a respected online gaming news source referring to the console-based Minecraft as “arguably a purer version of the game”.

Minecraft is available on Xbox 360 now. For a preview check out the feature on the Marketplace website  – Here.

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