MIT Students Turn 21 Story Building into Giant Playable Tetris Game!

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Students and retro gaming nerds at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have hijacked their famous base of operations, known as the Green Building – turning the 295 feet tall structure into a multi-coloured tower of light and a play area for an unbelievably large game of Tetris!

The Green Building of the MIT campus is 21 stories high and a team of boffins have hooked up each of the towers 153 front windows with LED lights which respond to a player control panel on the ground below. The set-up is so complex that it allows a real-time game of Tetris to be played with the same fluent motion of the vintage puzzler, with fully moving and rotational pieces descending from top to bottom – just like in the classic Russian-invented game which grew to addictive popularity in the late 80s on the Nintendo Game Boy handheld console.

Since its first appearance in 1984, Tetris has appeared in a number of platforms including releases on the leading consoles brands such as Xbox and Playstation and now it’s invading our Android and Apple iOS pocket gadgets. Appearing on its biggest platform to date the appeal of Tetris doesn’t seem to stop growing!

The students of MIT used the tower as an illuminated tribute in September last year, on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedies, turning the building’s front into a huge Stars and Stripes flag.

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