One month after starting pre-orders, and just before releasing the Motorola Xoom, PC World have dropped the price from £499 to £479.
According to PC World’s website, the 32GB Android Honeycomb Tablet is “Due for release on the 1st week of April (date TBC), if you order from us today you’ll be the first in Europe to receive one.” PC World expects you to receive your device by 09/04/2011 if you pre-order with them.
It’s unclear as to why the price has been dropped, though it could reflect the “poor sales” of the tablet stateside.
The £479 price tag will get you a Wi-Fi only 10.1 inch tablet running the very latest version of Android, Honeycomb 3.0. It’s a powerful device too, with an Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core processor and 1GB RAM under the hood.
Have you pre-ordered the Xoom? Can’t wait to get your hands on it? Let us know via Facebook or Twitter.