MSN Messenger users will be migrated to Skype from April 8th

The end is almost nigh for those clinging on to Microsoft’s Messenger service. The company will start to migrate accounts across to Skype starting April 8th, Microsoft has confirmed.

It’s certainly not going to be news to many that Microsoft is switching off Messenger and making the move to Skype, but we now know exactly when the millions of user accounts will be switched over to the new platform.

Users have no say in the move, but that’s not going to be much of a problem as they won’t be able to use Messenger very soon anyway. Microsoft aims to complete the switch by the end of April, by which time Messenger stalwarts will be able to use their email address and password to log right in to Skype with no troubles.

Skype is the future for Microsoft, and so it should be after they spent upwards of $6 billion to buy it. The instant messaging and calling platform is growing rapidly already, with Microsoft confirming that over 280 million people are actively using the service in one way or another every month.

The first users to be migrated to Skype will be those classed as “English speaking”, and so we’d imagine that will cover the UK, US, New Zealand, Australia and a few others. “Brazilian Portugese” users will be the last to be migrated on April 30th, says Microsoft.

Although there is a hardcore base of Messenger fans, the figures for active users have fallen in the past few years; a factor which has most likely contributed to Microsoft’s decision to migrate. Skype will also receive a big boost in new users, whilst Microsoft’s product portfolio will be simplified, so they’re winning all round.