Mystery yellow Nokia Lumia makes 6 second debut in Nokia advert

Either tech companies are becoming more lax these days or they’re getting good at dropping subtle hints for tech blogs and fans to follow. Either way Nokia has recently dropped six seconds of mystery Lumia smartphone into an advert, and we’re intrigued.

The advert in question is for the Nokia Lumia 920 on dutch mobile network KPN Mobiel, so why is there a completely different phone in the advert? We follow a young boy and girl throughout the advert, but at the start the girl has a phone that’s definitely not a Lumia 920, then later has a yellow Lumia 920.

To the average consumer there won’t be anything to worry about here, but those with a keen eye for tech will easily see that the two phones are rather different. The mystery phone at the start has curved corners and appears to have a matte yellow finish, compared the 920’s glossy finish.

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Comparisons can be drawn between the mystery phone and the Lumia 822, which is an exclusive on the Verizon Wireless network in the US. However, there are changes – including the location of the headphone jack – that leads us to think this could be a whole new Lumia.

Of course, the phone causing the stir could just be a poorly made dummy unit or even some poorly done video editing at the studio – it looks like the latter to us. It doesn’t make sense for an advert to have an unannounced phone at the shoot for an entirely different phone.

Nokia will kick start things early at Mobile World Congress by holding a press conference on February 25th – perhaps we’ll see this mystery yellow phone then.