Netflix Daredevil Cast as Charlie Cox Becomes ‘Man Without Fear’

Back in November Netflix and Marvel announced a deal that would bring five comic properties to life in live-action TV shows exclusively for the popular streaming service. Today the first of those, Daredevil, has received its leading hero.

Boardwalk Empire star Charlie Cox has been cast as Matt Murdock, a New York lawyer blinded by a radioactive chemical, who’s senses develop to beyond superhuman and who by night fights crime as the masked vigilante Daredevil – aka ‘The Man Without Fear’. The comic was originally penned by Stan ‘The Man’ Lee with art by Bill Everett and first published by Marvel Comics in 1964.

Other titles set to be developed for Netflix alongside Daredevil include Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and a team-up  called The Defenders, as of yet there has been no casting news or storyline details surfaced for any of these other series.

Previously, and internet notoriously, the last time Daredevil was seen on screen it was 2003 and he was played by Ben Affleck – ironically the next actor set to don Batman’s famous cape and cowl so there’s a lot riding on getting Daredevil right this time around and despite not being one of our front runners, we can see Stardust actor Cox doing the character justice when the series gets a release in 2015.