Nintendo 3DS gets a 1-UP: Extra thumbstick, pink edition & video recording – also release dates for Super Mario 3D Land & Mario Kart!

So, you remember that Nintendo 3DS second analog pad accessory we saw last week, right? The one that didn’t look too legit..

Yeah – that was the real deal. And it’s now been fully outted by Nintendo, along with a few other goodies and finally the release dates for Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7. The Japanese games co. is set to grab itself a 1-UP after a disappointing opening season for the potentially awesome portable, this following a 260% sales increase in the home nation since the console’s recent price slash.

Expansion Slide:
The ‘Expansion Slide’ add-on appeared last week in a Japanese publication, leaving us scratching our heads. The thing looks pretty ridiculous and a bit of a botch job, as a quick fix to deliver the much-needed second thumb-stick to Nintendo’s handheld. It’s a hungry boy too – requiring three AAA batteries to run it (remember those?)

Regarded as Nintendo’s ‘secret weapon’, the 3DS accessory will become publically available in Japan on December 20th and will cost ¥1500, which works out at around £12 for us Brits when the ‘Expansion Slide’ finally arrives here.

Mystic Pink 3DS:
Delivering a little something for the ladies, and others who might be into more pastel colours, Nintendo is set to release a ‘Mystic Pink’ variant of the 3DS handheld, in the hope of widen the gaming gadgets appeal to the feminine quarter of the gaming market. Because blue must be only for boys and, of course, all girls like pink things in this day and age. Finger well and truly on the pulse.

The ‘Mystic Pink’ Nintendo 3DS will be released in October at ‘the usual price’ – whether that’s the ‘usual’ usual price or the recent low price of £115, we’re yet to find out. For gamers who can’t decide which gender they are, even after Nintendo’s sorting process, remember there’s also the ‘Flame Red’ 3DS on the way!

3D Video Recording:
With a little precision shooting you can quite easily snap yourself some pretty cool 3D photos on the Nintendo 3DS, this will now extend to video. We’re awaiting more info on this one, but presumably it’ll come in a form of an app from the 3DS Web Store and hopefully some kind of demonstration video will emerge soon!

Super Mario 3D Land & Mario Kart 7:
As a manly man, with chest hair and everything, I would have no shame in saying I’d buy a ‘Mystic Pink’ 3DS if it meant I could get to grips with a Super Mario Bros. game on Nintendo’s 3D portable. But now my masculinity can remain intact – as there’s finally a shiny star of hope with release dates announced for both Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7!

First up will be Super Mario 3D Land, to be launched on November 13th. The new title promises to bring the classic 2D game-play of the earlier games and translating it for the 3D platform. Resembling the style of the Nintendo 64 version of Super Mario, including some new twists on familiar foes and reintroducing some of the old school favourites absent from recent games – including the popular SMB3 ‘Racoon Suit’!

Just a few days later, on December 4th, Mario Kart 7 races onto Nintendo 3DS!

The premise remains the same, race, bash and banana-shot your buddies on a range of familiar Mushroom Kingdom and Nintendo game themed courses, but this time the challenges can also take place in the skies or under the sea. Other new features include customisations for your Kart, such as off-road tires for those difficult terrains and smaller tires which mean better acceleration.

Connecting up to 8 players, this is the most massively multiplayer Mario Kart ever (unless you were one of those gamers who ran simultaneous N64 console contests in your bedroom!).  Playing with pals means you can choose from the usual selection of popular Nintendo characters or race as your own created ‘Mii’ against local competitors on a WiFi connection, or take on worldwide challenges with the 3DS and a broadband internet connection.

Super Mario 3D Land at Nintendo 

Mario Kart 7 at Nintendo

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