Nintendo announce Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire for the 3DS

The past few days have not been good for Nintendo, but if there is one thin Ninty can rely on, it’s a Nostalgia ridden back catalogue of games to get them through the hard times. This Hard time is looking to be evaded by Nintendo going into one of its bigger bags of tricks by announcing new 3DS versions of Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire straight from the original GBA.

Nintendo will be releasing the newly branded Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire on the 3DS after previously releasing updated version for Pokémon Red and Blue and also Pokémon Gold and Silver.

Ruby an Sapphire are relatively new in terms of games for a remake, as the original Gameboy Advanced title was only released 11 years ago in 2003, but as with most Pokémon games Ruby and Sapphire have a dedicated fan base and the remakes will have most fans wanting.

Nintendo’s week has been a bit of a heavy one as the company announced its third successive annual operating loss, with the company losing a massive £135M last year, despite selling 6.17million next generation Wii U Consoles.

However one of Nintendo’s 2013 successes was the newest Pokémon entries, Pokémon X & Y which sold a decent 12.26 million copies for the 3DS which gave them the title of the fastest-selling titles on the handheld games console.

Today Nintendo have been on a repair and damage control mission by revealing its future plans, which include a new Budget console, Smartphone service and several big named games being pushed forward.

Nintendo may be down, but like all good (and bad) movies it doesn’t mean they are out, and if anyone can do something incredible, Nintendo will be the ones.

Next month Nintendo will be hosting its annual E3 broadcast, where we expect to see a whole lot more of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.