Is Nintendo getting ready to release a new redesigned Wii U GamePad to the world?

Well a new Advert from the Mighty Nintendo appears to have ousted a new smaller and sleeker looking Wii U Gamepad to the world, all be it in a very fuzzy shot.

The Advert was launched on the Japanese YouTube channel, and shows what looks to be a much smaller and slimmer version of the Wii U Pad being played in a living room.

We all know Nintendo has a history and habit of shrinking (and sometimes XL’ing) up their Consoles and accessories, so the move to release a smaller Wii U Gamepad wouldn’t be super strange.

Remember, that the Wii U is now 2 years old too, it wouldn’t be out of the Question for the boffins at Nintey to have been working on a whole new Smaller console and Gamepad.

The leaked info appears in a new Advert from Nintendo pushing Mario Kart 8, and if Nintendo have been working on the smaller pad, they may be holding off till 2015 (or after the Xmas rush) to release the new design.

Now looking at the Advert, shots of it from the rear shows the design to be the same, but its when we see an out of focus fron shot that we think there is a different look to the GamePad.

Now its not a guarantee, but with the Age of the consoles, and the recent push back to Nintendo, we could see Nintey putting out a new designed Wii U console and GamePad just to try and keep it feeling fresh.

Hopefully we will know more by the start of 2015!