Nintendo Video Shows Off Kid Icarus 3DS Multiplayer, Weapons & Console Stand – Also Game Gear Titles Coming Soon

Nintendo is really utilising the internet to share new and exciting announcements with its fans and video is one platform the Japanese co. have recently been making the best of. Today the first European edition of Nintendo Direct, the web videocast hosted by the company’s US President Reggie Fils-Aimes (aka The Regginator) and a number of key contributors has gone live. Revealing a number of new titles and features for the Nintendo 3DS including Kid Icarus and Mario Tennis Open as well as news regarding the Wii home console.

The show through Nintendo’s official YouTube channel comments on the recent additions to the eShop for the handheld 3DS and its “recent roll” with downloadable casual games such as Freaky Forms, Mutant Mudds and Sakura Samurai. In addition to the games there’s an interesting new social messaging app called Swapnote, which allows 3DS owners to share stylus written notes and photo creations with fellow portable pals. The highlight of this segment is the new game Dillion’s Rolling Western – an action and creative game featuring an armadillo hero who balls up (much like SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog, dare we say) to bash foes and build defences in a Wild West frontier setting.

The video moves on to 3DS revival title Kid Icarus: Uprising, which spread its wings on March 23rd, and Localization Producer John Yeckley talks of the pace of the action-packed game, the vast range of content and immersive and complex controls. Yeckley also discusses an interesting weapon fusion concept which allows players to combine two weapons into a variety of unique fighting tools opening up the versatility of the gameplay. When asked how he enjoys playing the newest Kid Icarus on his Nintendo portable, the producer whips out the lesser-spotted 3DS stand, a simple frame which hold the gadget in place and comes along with the game. There’s also time for a quick look at the multiplayer mode, which can allow six players to battle in a free-for-all or compete in teams via the 3DS Wi-Fi connection.

In other sections of the broadcast, we get a good look at the upcoming Mario Tennis Open on the Nintendo 3DS portable, as well as popular Japanese titles Xenoblade and The Last Story finally arriving on Wii consoles in the West. Follow on the high kicking heels of Street Fighter 3D on the 3DS, it’s revealed that Tekken 3D will be coming soon and the handheld will also get a scary addition which uses the camera feature and a spooky plot in Spirit Camera – We’re thinking “ZombieBooth: The Game” when we see this one.

In other 3DS news, it’s being reported that Nintendo will be releasing a retro range of SEGA Game Gear titles on the eShop coming soon. Details are sparse if any at the moment, but the Gadget Helpline will be following this up!

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