Nokia CEO shows off Windows Phone at “secret” event – Video leaked online

It’s all go for Nokia as of late, and it seems they can’t help but slip us these little samples of what they’re up to! This time it’s company CEO Stephen Elop who’s secretively (but not secretively enough) dropped some info on the new Windows Phone – codenamed “Sea Ray”.

What was shown at the “secret” event is Nokia’s first Windows Phone handset in action, complete with touchscreen, 8 megapixel shooter with a featured camera button, and resembling the casing of the Nokia N9 which was officially revealed this week with a stylish new approach to aesthetics from Nokia (much to this writer’s initial disbelief).

The “Home”, “Back” and “Search” buttons as required by Microsoft criteria are all in check – the gadget showing off the “Mango” update for Window Phone 7 operating system as we saw it back at the press conference in May.

Despite asking for cameras to be put away at the secret event, a sneaky website defied the CEO and caught a video of the new gadget and posted it live online for all to see – Not so secret anymore ‘ey Chief?

At time of writing the video was available but due to its content we can’t guarantee it’ll stay there long – Check it out while you can at!

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