Nokia danced with the devil – Android found on Nokia prototype

Well that is what any Windows Phone 7 fan boy will be thinking when they see the leaked images of a Nokia handset running Android. The device is almost identical in looks to the N9 running MeeGo.

It’s a shame really as the N9 is a beautiful piece of kit and MeeGo even with all it’s potential probably won’t take off as well as it could, due to Nokia’s switch to WP7. However, instead imagine Android running instead of WP7 on Nokia’s hardware, we feel it would be amazing. Nokia would not be putting their hopes in an OS of which previous incarnations (Windows Mobile 6.5), although successful at the start, failed to grow with the needs of the public and eventually was killed off with the promise of WP7 taking the world by storm.

But back to this prototype handset and there is one thing that makes us a little skeptical, and that is the density of the screen. Everything is a little small, but the source of the leak tends to make this a little more believable as it’s from the same place the Nokia WP7 leak came from, Sea Ray.

I myself would love to see Android grace a Nokia phone and with MeeGo being Linux based there will be a way of hacking it to run Android, it’s just a case of playing the waiting game.