O2 Problem Affecting U.K Network For a Second Day – Get Your Calls & Texts Back by Turning Off 3G

Many O2 customers including some of our Gadget Helpline Blog team have been experiencing lack of service with making calls and sending and receiving of texts rendered impossible for lengthy periods. The problem is believed to have started yesterday around midday and it seems for a number of network subscribers it’s continuing into today.

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are said to have been affected and O2 reports the fault on its Facebook Page and Official Website stating they are working on the issues which still appears to be affecting thousands of network users – however no timescale has been offered as to how long this could take. Tesco Mobile and GiffGaff users are also suffering due to both networks use O2 masts to deliver their service.

O2 apologises but give no reason why these difficulties suddenly arose and advise customers to switch their phone “off and on” this morning as their devices might align with the network once more but this is merely a suggestion and your access might still be affected by the outage.

A tip our Gadget Helpline readers would be to temporarily disable your device’s 3G. The option to do this should be found in the network section of phone settings. This should allow you to at least make calls and texts over the 2G network however we can’t guarantee this will offer a solution – it’s just a hunch.

Our team managed to get full service back at around 11pm last night and we seem to be hooked up this morning and we’re hoping our O2 using readers will also be back on service very soon.

Some social network users have been reporting return of the O2 service this morning along with additional credit issued to their phone although this is purely speculation at the moment but we should certainly hope for some kind of compensation for the troubles caused.

Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.