Picasa and Blogger out to make way for Google+ ?

Google’s image service Picasa and weblog publisher Blogger are set to be dropped for (and/or replaced by) Google+ friendly versions of the services – if a “familiar source” can be trusted.

The source claims we should expect Picasa to become “Google Photos” in co-ordination with the Google+ feature, and also Blogger would become – you guessed it – Google Blogs. Google has already “temporarily disabled” its Realtime feed, after the contractual agreement ended with Twitter. Realtime is said to return with integration to the upcoming social network.

The name changes will happen in the next month to six weeks to coincide with the launch of the Gee’s online friend experience that’s got the whole social web abuzz.

It’s suggested that any existing Google service without a Google prefix will adhere to the Google+ conformism.  All except for YouTube that is, which is clearly too cool to wear a tie to work.

Do you fear change? Picasa and Blogger users get in touch with us here at the Blog or on the official Gadget Helpline Twitter as well as our official Facebook page!