Playstation 4 production begins by end of year – Sony planning Kinect style control?

Rumour claims that Sony’s next console in the Playstation line will begin life by the end of the year and if speculation is anything to go by, it could be coming with its own motion control system – much like the one currently available on Xbox 360 with Kinect.

DigiTimes suggests “reliable sources” have revealed that Sony’s PS4 20 million unit shipment will go into production in late 2011, with the same Taiwanese manufacturing partners behind the PS3 working on movement-based controls for the next-gen console expected for release in 2012.

This rumour comes from a top “industry insider” – but don’t they all?

Price drops on the current Sony console are expected soon, with the Playstation 3 dropping down to £180 – eye-to-eye in a price battle with Microsoft’s Xbox 360. And with the House of M poised for a new console announcement in 2012, we thought something might be ahead in the way of a PS4 but as of yet nothing is official. Not officially official anyway..

Sony’s boss of finances Masaru Kato is quoted as saying the development into PS4 is already ongoing stating “For the home equipment, the PS3 still has a product life but this is a platform business, so for the future platform, when we’ll be introducing what product I cannot discuss that but our development work is already under way, so costs are incurred there”.

However this was preceeded by Sony’s Head of Computer Entertainment suggesting there’s still life in the old dog yet, and the original ten year plan for the PS3 is still in its early stages.

The latest rumour of motion control systems in the works would back the former. That’s 2-to-1 in favour of a PS4 in 2012..

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Source: Kotaku