PlayStation Home Arcade Offers Retro Gaming Platform for PS Vita

Sony has launched a retro games platform for it’s app-heavy PS Vita and now portable gamers can grab a handful of nostalgia with the PlayStation Home Arcade.

The app works like Nintendo’s Virtual Console, which is available on the handheld 3DS and recently launched for Wii U, but unlike the market rival’s offering Sony’s initial download is completely free of charge and the PlayStation Home Arcade is available through arcade machines found in the vastly explorable virtual environment of PlayStation Home, with titles costing just 79p with a number of classics available at no cost.

Games up for grabs from the get-go are as follows:

Asteroids (79p)
Astrosmash Gen 2 (79p)
Centipede (79p)
Frogger (79p)
Icebreaker (Free)
Mad Blocker (79p)
Scribble Shooter (79p)
Shark! Shark! Shark! (79p)
Time Pilot (79p)
Wipeout 2D (Free)

The only downside (and a minor one) about PlayStation Home Arcade is that compared to the pay-for Nintendo platform, the starting selection from Sony is a little sparse, with a couple titles here we’ve never heard of before, but there is the addition of a few legends such as Asteroids, Centipede and Frogger.

We’re delighted to see these old childhood favourites back on a main portable console and there is plenty of potential for some other greats to become available in the future!