No Post-Sale RAM Upgrades For New Mac Mini

Just days ago we saw the latest keynote from Apple, which showed off some of the next generation models of their flagship devices, including the iPad, iMac and Mac Mini. Each of these devices represented unprecedented advancement in terms of Apple products, although critics have said that the advancements don’t mean a lot in terms of the tech industry as a whole.

Regardless, the iPad Air 2 and 5k Retina iMac both blew away the competition with their new features, the former being the thinnest tablet ever, and the latter having the most detailed screen ever.

SEE ALSO: 27in 5K Retina iMac Announced @ $2499

However, the oft unnoticed Mac Mini did not receive more than 10 minutes of coverage in the announcement, plus we’ve now learned that the device doesn’t allow user performed upgrades with regards to RAM memory. Previous models let you swap out the memory chips at your leisure, but disappointingly this new model of the Mac Mini, which comes with inbuilt Thunderbolt ports and one of those super fast new Intel Haswell Processors.

The Mac Mini is pretty cool, featuring all the ports and plugs required on the back of the miniature desktop computer.

The Mac Mini is Apple’s answer to the low budget, smaller desktops that have arrived recently, and it really is tiny, featuring all the components and ports being built into one small device roughly the size of a wireless router. When we say low budget, it’s relatively cheap, for an Apple device. The device still manages to command a pretty high price tag though.

Massive: Apple’s current iPad range speaks of the company’s desire to get their products out to almost every user with every budget.

It’s not clear why Apple have decided to solder the RAM chips directly to the MAc Mini’s main board, but one thing is obvious – if you’re thinking of buying one and performing upgrades on it later, you’re out of luck.

It’s not unreasonable to think that the decision was made by Apple to drive up sales of the 8GB RAM model, which comes in at $599 instead of the 4GB RAM model’s price of $499, but again, we’re in the dark here right now.

SEE ALSO: iPad Air 2 With iOS 8.1 Announced

There are several variations of the device, sporting 4GB, 8GB or 16GB of RAM a choice of two processors, one more expensive than the other. All are pre-built, with no customisation available.

It’s a shame that Apple fans aren’t being given the option to carry out upgrades post-purchase any more, but from what we’ve seen from Apple lately, larger product ranges with more options for consumers seems to be their new strategy, especially since their current iPad range is now staggeringly large.

Source: Apple

Via: TechSpot