Prototype iPhone on auction for $1000

Have you ever wanted the chance to own a one of a kind prototype iPhone 4? Well now is your chance, as some lucky individual has got their hands on an iPhone 4 prototype and is selling it on eBay.

The device was originally listed at around $810 and has now shot up to $1500 and is sure to go up more – a piece of technical innovation such as the iPhone 4 is still one of the biggest selling smartphones around, so the chance to get your hands on a prototype has got to be a big draw.

You can see from the pictures there are no + or – signs on the volume control buttons and the back of the device has XXXXXX where the serial number or model number should be. Also the letters ‘DF1692’ are  printed on both sides of the device, corresponding to an Apple employee who would have been responsible for the device.

So what would you be getting for your $1000? Well, the phone cannot be activated through iTunes, it cannot be used with a SIM card, it cant be used for calls – or just about anything to be honest. The only things that work are the display, the buttons and vibration.

So are bragging rights enough of a reason to spend that amount of money on an iPhone 4, even if it is a prototype? Possibly, but it’s still a lot of money for a phone missing half of the functions!

Would you want to get your hands on a piece of exclusive technology such as a pre-sale prototype? Tell us if you would, and more importantly why, by tweeting us @Gadget_Helpline.