PS4 Controversy Continues – Forbes Leaks Info on AMD’s Involvement in Sony’s Next Console

No such thing as a Playstation 4, eh? Not according to high-brow business news source Forbes, who when detailing the responsibilities of processing chip-maker AMD’s new CEO revealed that the man in charge will be personal overseeing production of Sony’s next home gaming gadget.

We’ve heard the denials over and over from top-names in the company including CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America, Jack Tretton, as well as Worldwide Studios President, Shuhei Yoshida who in an interview shot down claims that the PS3 successor was in production and scheduled for an appearance at this year’s E3 entertainment and gaming event in June. But whilst profiling the new boss of California co. Advanced Micro Devices Inc., Rory Read, Forbes outlines the the CEO’s role and its relation in a partnership with Sony: “It’s Read’s job to make sure AMD doesn’t screw up its slate of new products-which includes a hush-hush effort to put its graphics chips in Sony’s still-unannounced new game console”. Not only does this news suggest the Playstation 4 could be coming soon, but it also means Sony has dropped NVIDIA’s chips from its console, replacing them in the future model with AMD’s wares.

If Sony was planning on sweeping all allegations that work has begun on the PS4, they certainly have their work cut out for them and this newest slip of information follows a big blunder made by Sony Japan’s Chief Finance Officer Masaru Kato who tripped over his tongue back in May of 2011 when discussing the future budgeting for Playstation 3. He spilled that in 2012 “we’ll be introducing what product I cannot discuss that but our development work is already under way”. Today’s hint by Forbes adds even more controversy to the PS4 mystery.

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