RED Dragon 6k Upgrade Announced For Epic And Scarlet Cameras

RED the company behind the professional grade Epic and Scarlet cameras, have today announced that they are to introduce a brand new next generation 6K sensor, known as Dragon.

The upgrade provides 15+ stops native Dynamic Range, along with the ability to record 120fps at full 5K resolution.

RED has designed its cameras using a modular system; this means that upgrading components such as the sensor is a fairly easily process and pain free – the only thing that will probably be a bit painful, is parting with the $6,000 it will cost you to buy the new 6K sensor for the RED Epic.

Now, if you’re not familiar with the kind of resolution that 6K will offer; full HD has a resolution of1920 x 1080, the new sensor will have a resolution of 6000 x 4000 – which to be honest, makes full HD look quite pitiful.

RED’s Jim Jannard explains that “[the sensor] is slightly larger than the Mysterium-X sensor and the pixel size is slightly smaller. The pixel design and sensor design makes all the difference in the world … Most all of your current lenses will work.”

The upgrade for the EPIC is expected to start by the end of this year. At the moment, no price has been announced for the Scarlet although it’s thought the upgrade will be available early 2013.

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