RIM Announces Blackberry Tag – NFC Sharing App for Blackberry Smartphones

In the exotic location of Dubai, Research in Motion Co-CEO and Blackberry Chief Jim Balsillie has today announced a new way for Blackberry Smartphone users to transfer contacts and information wirelessly.

Called ‘Blackberry Tag’, the new tech comes in the form of an app for Blackberry Smartphones running the newest OS 7 software.

Blackberry Tag will come as a part of the next software update for OS 7 Blackberrys, such as the Bold 9900 and Torch 9810. Speaking at the GITEX conference in Dubai, Balsillie explained how the app will allow data such as contacts, documents, pictures and other multimedia content to be shared wirelessly between Blackberry smartphones, simply by tapping two together.

Blackberry users will also be able to instantly add each other to Blackberry Messenger (BBM) by tapping two handsets together.

“BlackBerry Tag is an exciting and innovative feature that makes sharing contact information and multimedia content effortless and seamless,” said Balsillie, speaking of their new app. “BlackBerry Tag opens a new dimension to the BlackBerry platform that is powerful, simple and intuitive and we think it will be welcomed by both users and developers.”

The app uses new NFC (Near Field Technology) to make an instant wireless connection, similar to Bluetooth, simply by touching two Blackberry smartphones together.

RIM has recently released a number of new Blackberry smartphones which run the newest OS 7 software and contain NFC-capable chips. Smartphones such as the Blackberry Bold 9900 and 9930, as well as the new Curve models – 9350, 9360, 9370 – will benefit from the new Blackberry Tag app.

The software update for these Blackberry devices should come out within the next month, giving users a new app to play with. We’re certainly looking forward to trying it out!

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