Rumour: Samsung Galaxy Note III to feature giant 6.3-inch screen

It looks as though big smartphones are here to stay, with rumours of huge devices with Full HD screens coming from HTC, Sony and Samsung next year. Samsung started the trend with its Galaxy Note, and in theory the company will be launching the third generation model in 2013.

The original Galaxy Note wasn’t all that well received, but the more recently launched Galaxy Note II has flown off the shelves. People have really taken to the Galaxy SIII look and S Pen features, so it’s only natural for us to wonder what the next model might entail.

Rumour has it that Samsung will again up the screen size for the next model, this time making a considerable jump from 5.5 inches up to 6.3-inches. In comparison, they only altered the size from 5.3 inches to 5.5 inches with the Note II. To us, this size seems a little ridiculous and bordering on small tablet territory, but it’s what the Korea Times believes to be the case.

To put that size into perspective, the screen size on the smallest tablet Samsung does is 7-inches, so the Note III will be closer to that than it would be to their other largest smartphone, the Galaxy SIII with its 4.8-inch display.

According to the publication the display will be even higher in quality, sporting the latest trend that is a 1080p Full HD resolution. This will mean more content can be squeezed onto the screen without the need for panning or zooming, which should make it great for web browsing and reading.

It’s likely to be a while yet before we see the Note III, but for now let us know what you think – is a 6.3-inch screen just too big for a phone?