Samsung Announces ChatON Cross-Platform Instant Messaging App

Samsung has announced it will be entering the Instant Messaging app area with its very own app, Samsung ChatON.

Available on iPhone, Android, Bada and Blackberry, ChatON aims to provide cross platform person-to-person and group instant chat for the masses, taking on the likes of BBM, iMessage and Whatsapp.

ChatON will be available in 120 countries and in 20 different languages – a truly ‘global launch’ according to Samsung.

The app will allow you to have one-to-one chats as well as group conversations via an internet connection, meaning your messages won’t cost you anything extra on top of your bill. You’ll be able to share multimedia completely free as well, such as pictures, videos, calendar events and emoticons.

There’s also a neat new feature for group chat called Trunk (strange name, we know) which lets participants of a group chat comment and rate multimedia that has been shared. It’s sort of like Facebook comments, but only for pictures, videos and animations that you’ve shared with your group.

You don’t need to have a smartphone to use ChatON either, as ‘feature phones’ will also be able to text chat as well view and send pictures, calendars and contacts with other ChatON users.

Another feature specifically for smartphone users is Samsung’s AMS (Animated Messaging Service), which allows you to create an animated message using MS Paint and Clipart-style tools, and then send it to the contacts in a group or one-to-one chat. While not exactly groundbreaking, it’s a pretty cool little feature that’s bound to be a hit with the younger audience.

For a better look at the new Samsung ChatON app, check out their video below.

Will you be using ChatON or do you prefer BBM or Whatsapp already? Let us know by adding a comment below!