Samsung Galaxy S2 Mark 2

Nobody really knows when the iPhone 5 is coming out, but Samsung – who are Apple’s closest rivals at the moment – are so sure that it’s going to be a September release that they are planning a new version of their market-leading Galaxy S II.

It’s purely to try and steal a bit of Cupertino’s thunder. A clever move and it will no doubt make this Christmas an interesting time for anyone is contemplating a new mobile and especially a full bells and whistles smartphone.

Apparently the new version will come with an uprated 1.4Ghz dual-core processor in September – just in time for an expected iPhone 5 release.

The original S2 is no slouch and currently comes with a 1.2Ghz dual-core processor, and is currently the top selling phone in the UK at the moment.

The new phone is expected to be unveiled this September which is pointing to an IFA unveiling and will be bundled alongside Google Android Gingerbread OS 2.3.4.

It would be a shrewd move for Samsung as the Galaxy S II has been a real winner for them, and a new version just in time for the Christmas rush would make good business sense – especially if they manage to steal customers from Apple.

It has been reported that the refreshed Galaxy S II will maintain its 8-megapixel camera with 1080p Full HD video recording capabilities, 1GB of RAM and lightweight minimalist form factor.