Another Samsung Galaxy S3 Test Device Leaks, Resembles the Design in Earlier Leaked Manual

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With Samsung preparing for what could be their biggest product announcement of the year tomorrow, you can understand why the Galaxy S3 hype is stepping up another gear. Yet another picture proposing it is the real deal has surface, yet this time we think it could be it.

Two leaked pictures come from SamMobile, a website who focus purely on Samsung’s mobile products and already have a good track record when it comes to leaks and rumours. They believe 100% with all their hearts that the pictured device on their site is the real deal – the Samsung Galaxy S3.

It’s not just their track record that leads us to believe this is as close as we’re going to get before the announcement tomorrow, either. If you’ve been following the string of rumours and leaks surrounding the new phone you may have cast your eyes over what was supposedly a manual for the phone.

The manual showed a phone that appeared to be a lot like the Galaxy Nexus – long, slightly curved in the middle and with rounded edges. Now, if you look at the picture leaked by SamMobile, the phone appears at first to be squared on all edges and corners. However, look a little closer and you’ll see the same shape from the manual encased in a square black surround to disguise the real shape of the phone.

Below the screen we can make out touch buttons for the menu and back functions within Android which will presumably illuminate when in use. Between the two we can see an elongated home button, while above the screen we can make out a front facing camera, a BlackBerry-style notification LED and the earpiece grille.

To confirm the shape of the device, the screen size and the button layout, SamMobile has also obtained pictures of a screen protector for the upcoming phone. According to the site this confirms the 4.8-inch screen size that is quoted in the leaked manual, which puts the phone somewhere between the HTC One X and the Galaxy Note in terms of screen real estate.

A picture has also been posted of the ‘About Device’ screen within the Settings menu on the phone. This shows the GT-I9300 model number that has been bandied about online for some time now, with many linking it to the Galaxy S3. We also see that the phone runs on the very latest version of Android – 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich.

We’re pretty sure this will be the last leak of the phone before Samsung officially reveals it tomorrow in London, putting an end to all the rumours, fakes and speculation. Unless of course somebody sneaks in with a last minute bid to spoil the surprise!

What do you think: Real or Fake?

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Source: SamMobile