Samsung Mocks Apple’s Loading Beachball in Hilarious New Adverts

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We’re pretty sure that anyone who has used a Mac for an extensive period of time will have experienced that dreaded, damn annoying spinning beach ball.

That whirring circle of colours can haunt a Mac user, and, always one to pick at a rival’s flaws, Samsung has mocked it in a recent ad campaign. Three new videos have hit the web from Samsung, all with the goal of promoting the Korean manufacturer’s memory solutions, which ironically Apple uses in many of its gadgets.

The three videos follow common problems that many gadget users will have encountered: battery drain, random freezing and low memory. Samsung has created three fictional characters for each of the videos: Fiona Freeze, Battery Brutus and Loading Ball Larry, the latter of which pops up and frustrates PC and tablet users by flicking a familiar looking coloured beach ball onto their screens.

While the videos are very amusing, we’re not sure just how well this is going to sit with Apple and its legion of fans – it’s sure to evoke a certain type of reaction.

After a long year of lawsuits and litigation between the two companies surrounding differences and similarities between the iOS and Galaxy ranges, the two are set to begin settlement talks later this month on May 21st.

Check out all three adverts below and let us know what you think – hilarious or a step too far in the war between Samsung and Apple.

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