Tag: Adverts
Netflix Comments on Third Party Ad Rumours
A Netflix spokesperson has commented on the idea that the streaming service might start airing third party advertisements before its TV shows and films. The rumour emerged in the past few days that Netflix is currently testing advertising ahead of exclusives such as House of Cards. Ads which are said to be unrelated to its…
YouTube May Go Ad-Free for Subscription Fee
An ad-free version of YouTube may become available by the end of the year for those willing to pay up for it. According to sources including business news site Bloomberg, Google Inc. seeks to introduce a subscription format for YouTube whereby its millions of viewers have the option to enjoy uninterrupted viewing of not only…
YouTube Talk Music Streaming, Ad Removal
YouTube is a video streaming site. This much is clear. It says it on the label, people tell you that’s what it’s for. But under the skin is another, hidden use for the site – which sees users gluing their own private playlists of copyrighted music tracks, uploaded as ‘videos’ displaying a single image accompanied…
Facebook to Help Local Trade With New Ads
Facebook has recent push for better on location advertising has come through recently, as the site’s new system for targeting advertisement to users for businesses in their local area has now gone live. The new system allows small businesses and shops to pay to advertise to people within a small mile radius area, with adverts showing…
Coder Behind Pop Up Ads ‘Very Sorry’
The code designer responsible for writing the original code behind the pop up advert, probably the most annoying thing you might come across during browsing the web. Not only are pop ads a nuisance, but of late they have been used to deliver viruses as well as adverts. SEE ALSO: Google Undersea Cables Attacked by…
London Police Team Up With Project Sunblock to Fight Websites Committing Piracy
Do you remember the piracy adverts that you used to get at the beginning of VHS tapes – You know, the one with the upbeat music so that the ad was ‘down wid da kids’? You wouldn’t steal a car? You wouldn’t steal a handbag? Does this even run at the beginning of movies now?…
Sky AdSmart brings regional, age and demographic-targeted adverts to Sky TV programs
Sky TV customers in the UK will soon be getting a new slew of adverts thanks to Sky’s new AdSmart features that will target each viewer with specific adverts, depending on your viewing profile and location. Much like the way the Google ads work online, Sky viewers will start to see more specific adverts for…
Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and AOL set to Take on Piracy Adverts
Microsoft and several other of the world’s leading technology companies are pushing on with the fight against online Piracy today as the companies have announced new plans to tackle the Advertising revenue that Pirate sites (like Piratebay.org) are getting from adverts. Tech giants such as Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and AOL have formed an initiative that…
Google blocking Blogger sites with porn adverts from June 30th
Google has issued a warning today to users of its Blogger platform, stating that they will be cracking down on the usage of pornographic content for monetization purposes. Google advised that from June 30th that posts or blogs will be removed if they deem a sites to that have links to adult content and advertisements for…