SEGA admit hacking intrusion to “SEGA Pass” service


Seems that toppling games and entertainment companies is the current favourite game for the hackers out there – and yesterday Tokyo-based SEGA joined the hitlist.

The Japan company’s “SEGA Pass” service was intruded and pulled – the website relaying the somewhat chipper message “Hi. SEGA Pass is going through some improvements so is currently unavailable for new members to join or existing members to modify their details including resetting passwords. We hope to be back up and running very soon. Thank you for your patience”.

However, existing customers to the service received emails making them aware that a security breach had in fact taken place and that was what was being worked on.

SEGA report that no financial or credit card data was at risk (these are held on a separate ouside server) and this appears to be nothing close to the extent of the recent hack on Sony Entertainment, but members emails and passwords have been obtained and will need to be changed when the service returns.

So SEGA join the Hall of Fail alongside the aforementioned Sony, Microsoft – who got hit several times in recent years – and more recently Nintendo. Who’ll claim this one we wonder? LulzSec are quiet so far and not their usual boastful selves. While other main mischeif makers Anonymous have been reluctant to claim anything lately. Is someone new striking while the iron’s hot? Or more aptly – while the games industry is panicking..

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