Slingbox media streamer adds Facebook app for watching videos away from home

The Slingbox media streamer is one of life’s little joys. Away on business? No worries – you can log into your Slingbox account and watch any content you’ve got stored at home or on your TV. Now that service has been made even more special…

Slingbox’s new Facebook app lets you do all that but without having to install anything on your computer. Simply install the app on your Facebook account and you’ll be able to watch any saved content on any machine in the world through Facebook’s website.

It’s a real boon for the service, as it means you can now access your videos on any computer. This is handy for times when you’re using someone else’s PC and don’t want to (or can’t) install software. Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.